Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Scared animal

Basically we all have seen it, terrified animals who act against their rational nature and behave without any understanding of their action, human and "animals"(we are animals also and in several ways behave like them). The dog that has been terrified act in two way, either he covers, retreat with his tail between his legs, crawling into his safe corner wishing for it all to go away. Feeling completely powerless he hopes for nothing more then the bad thing to go away, wishing more then anything else, if he was capable of wishing.

Or, if hes trained, he goes full out, all muscles are tense, ready for anything, anything that might come against him, be it a cat or a tiger, he is ready. No matter the threat, he will attack and do his best to defend his area. For, no matter what anyone says, it's his. His alone and no one shall ever intrude on it! When the threat appears, he attacks without any thought about what it is nor its consequences. There are only two extremes in this battle, my way or the threats way, but 'I shall be damned if that ways win'. So, without any reflection of the consequences, the dog will attack whatever appears. With only a fraction of the shadow the dog attacks...

This is where we stand today regarding filesharing. The dog is the anti-piracy part, the shadow is those who are a part of the internet and its file sharing culture. What is not told from above, is the size of the shadow, for as in reality, the shadow in also unknown. There is no exact number of all the file shares, nor their power. It might be nothing but a shadow, yet there is a chance its one of the greatest being ever seen in our society. The result of the battle remains to be discovered, but I ensure you, the anti-piracy doesn't have a clue what they are up against.

We live in interesting times...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Random thoughts regarding filesharing

I know I only have one reader on this blog. Which suits me just fine, since I don't want to get involved in the blog-community, because then I have to pay attention to my language, grammar and make sure I have somewhat a 'red thread'. I can write anything that I like, in any way I like, without regarding whos reading. But, if, for some reason, someone else manage to fall into my little blog. This is a varning, be advice that I might write like a madman. And even though I am working in a larger essay towards the philosophy of filesharing, this has nothing to do with it. Just my ventilation. And the reason why I write in English is because I prefer it. Think it's more fun to write in then Swedish.

Today, after reading some blogs and surfing around, I got a quite interesting thought. On a show on tv, there was a debate regarding filesharing and the proposition for a new law (IPRED), where the defender of the law, Johan Pehrsson (fp) (the liberals), compared filesharing with stealing a lawn mower. Quite an interesting comparison, for it does truly show his competence within the area. A lawn mower... God damn. Anyway, let's make an example of it all to illustrate how well the new law works.

Now, imagen that your lawn mower get's stolen. It's in the middle of the summer and your grass is growing like only grass can. You really need cut it, otherwise your partner will, literaly, kick your ass. After looking around for a while, you see your lawn mower on your neighbours lawn. Of course, that bastard has stolen your very own lawn mower! The first thought would have been to just go over there and steal it back, but trying to be the really superb citizen, you quickly realize that you aren't allowed to take the law into your own hands. So you do what the law requires you to do, you call the cop and let them sort this mess out. The police comes over and arrest your greedy neighbour and you get your lawn mower back, all is well.

But what happens if we apply the new rules of IPRED in our beloved example of the stolen lawn mower? The pre-settings are the same, your lawn mower is stolen and you have seen it on your neighbours lawn. Now, instead of calling the police you call the new cooporation; that has it's own interest in lawn mowers (they came into being due to politicans who knew nothing of lawn mowers or their technology). Let's call them IPFI just for the sake of argument. They don't work in the same way as the cop though, but it's the only option you have(in truth, they would have come anyway, they just lurk out random places where lawn mowers have been stolen). Well, they show up and instead of having gadgets like the cops have, these just have a a briefcase. Like lawyers, in fact, that is exacly what they are. They don't even ring on your neightbours door. They just put a piece of paper in his mail box and leaves. They are sueing him. "Pay this idiotic high sum(that we decided with a dice and multiplied it by 10 000) or go to the court. Remember, you are alone with no economic or knowledgeable resources."

And of course, you, the true owned of the lawn mower, doesn't see a penny of the money your neighbour payed. In fact, the IPFI, took your lawn mower for themself and keep it with thousands other lawn mowers. They now, through some very "clever" (more as greedy) contract, own your lawn mower. Welcome to the world of music ... oh, sorry, lawn mowers.